Disability Testing Accommodations
Mid-State Technical College provides testing and technology services to students with disabilities registered with Disability Services according to the American's with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Testing accommodations may include alternate format, extended time, reduced distraction testing sites, computers, and other assistive technology, as well as readers and scribes, as appropriate.
Requesting Disability Testing Accommodations
Students with disabilities should contact Mid-State Disability Services if requesting academic testing with accommodations or technology services.
Scheduling Disability Testing Accommodations
For students with documented disabilities, please contact the Mid-State Testing Center at testingcenter@mstc.edu or 715.422.5443 to schedule an exam.
Student should schedule exam appointment at least 3-business days prior to test date; earlier if test needs to be read.