Accuplacer/Course Placement
What Is the Accuplacer?
The Accuplacer is an exam that measures academic skills in reading comprehension, language, arithmetic, and elementary algebra for course placement purposes. It is untimed and consists of multiple-choice questions. Your academic advisor will analyze the results of your Accuplacer exam along with well your academic background and degree goals to determine appropriate course placement.
Who Is Required to Take the Accuplacer?
All students enrolling at Mid-State are required to take the Accuplacer as part of the admissions process. There are a couple of circumstances under which a student would not be required to take the Accuplacer. See the exceptions below.
Students who meet one of the following requirements are not required to take the Accuplacer:
Completed the ACT or Accuplacer in the last 5 years
Bring a copy of your scores to the Mid-State Student Services Information Center at any Mid-State campus.
Completed an associate degree or higher
- Provide a copy of your transcripts to the Mid-State Student Services Information Center at any Mid-State campus.
- Translated copies of foreign degrees will be reviewed by the dean of Enrollment Management to determine if entry requirements are met. You must provide a translated and evaluated copy of your degree and official transcripts.
Get Ready
With a little bit of prep, you might improve your Accuplacer score, ensuring you are placed in the most appropriate courses. Check out the Accuplacer Preparation site to get started.
Locations: Adams, Marshfield, Stevens Point Downtown and Wisconsin Rapids Campuses or Virtual.
Scheduling: To schedule a Virtual or In-Person Accuplacer appointment with a dedicated Testing Center staff member: visit our scheduling page, email: testingcenter@mstc.edu or call 715.422.5443.
Cost: Free for Mid-State students. All non-Mid-State students will be required to pay a $20.00 proctor fee.
Bring: A valid photo ID (Government issued or Student ID). Proctor fee, if required. Hand-held calculators are not permitted; however, on-screen calculators are embedded in the Accuplacer when permitted. Scratch paper and writing utensils will be provided.
Personal Belongings: Although lockers will be available, please try to leave other personal belongings at home or in your vehicle.
Students with disabilities should contact Mid-State Disability Services staff prior to testing if requesting testing accommodations.
Accuplacer Score Report Request
Check out the Accuplacer Score Report Request page for more information.