‘More Tech—Less Talk’ Panel to Discuss Technology’s Impact on Communication Across Generations
The public is invited to a panel hosted by the Mid-State Technical College Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society on the topic of modern technologies, how they have affected communication and how we can bridge the gap between older adults and youth. The event is free and takes place on Monday, Dec. 3, at 6:30 p.m. on Mid-State’s Stevens Point campus, room CER 634.
The “More Tech—Less Talk” panel discussion was inspired by research from Dwayne Corry, Mid-State PTK vice president of scholarship and IT Software Developer and Business Management student, and Jose Perez, PTK co-president and Business Management student. The cross-generational panel will represent a variety of experiences and expertise in the community as they explore whether we are losing touch across the generations as technology and its constant distractions increasingly dominate our lives, conversations, and way of life and how we can reconnect with the voice of the “wise elder.”
Refreshments are provided, and the audience will be able to participate in a question-and-answer period after the panel discussion.