Mid-State Board adopts 2023–24 budget
Mid-State Technical College’s Board of Directors adopted its 2023–24 budget following a public hearing during its June 19 meeting in Wisconsin Rapids. The annual budget goes into effect on July 1, 2023.
The General Fund Operations budget is $33.9 million, a $3.7 million decrease from the amended 2022–23 Fiscal Year budget. The operational budget was prepared with the assumption of stable enrollments when compared to the 2022–23 year.
As in years past, College administrators set out to develop a budget that balances the needs of its students and communities with available budgetary resources. The higher education industry continues to undergo rapid change, and Mid-State has aggressively sought to address that change through its Strategic Directions and the development of its Moving Forward Together 2025 Strategic Plan.
“Thanks to Mid-State’s ongoing efforts in fiscal year 2023, college enrollments remained stronger than the national average, and we saw significant headcount growth, which means we are serving more of our students” said Mid-State’s president, Dr. Shelly Mondeik. “We are proud that our efforts to stabilize enrollments during and beyond the pandemic have proven Mid-State to be a trusted partner in our communities, and this puts us in a strong position to continue our mission to transform lives through the power of teaching and learning.”
According to Mid-State Vice President of Finance and Facilities Greg Bruckbauer, the College’s mill rate is projected to increase .00053 cents per $1,000 of equalized property value, increasing the tax bill for a $100,000 home from $78.77 last year to a projected $79.30 in the coming year. Mid-State poses a considerably lower impact than other taxing authorities because the College serves a broad tax base of 97 municipalities in all or parts of Adams, Clark, Jackson, Juneau, Marathon, Portage, Waushara and Wood counties.
"This budget will fund Mid-State’s work in supporting its communities with relevant programs by providing access to innovative technology and world-class facilities and services," Bruckbauer said. “Our communities continue to look for professionals in central Wisconsin with hands-on, technical skills, and we look forward to continuing to provide our highly sought-after graduates to meet that need.”