OSHA 10 Class Offered at Mid-State Technical College
An OSHA 10 class will be available at Mid-State’s Wisconsin Rapids location this October. One class offering for general industry meets Oct. 22–23, while the other for the construction trades meets Oct. 29–30. The course was developed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and is taught by an OSHA-authorized instructor. Participants who successfully complete it will receive an OSHA course completion card.
The OSHA 10 course is an orientation to occupational safety and health and is intended to provide workers with awareness of common job-related safety and health hazards. Topics include safety data sheets, the OSHA Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, walking and working surfaces, exit routes, emergency action plans, fire prevention plans, electrical, personal protective equipment and hazard communication. Topics may also include hazardous materials, material handling, machine guarding, basic industrial hygiene, blood-borne pathogens, ergonomics, safety and health programs and fall protection.
For more information on registration, cost and location, visit the continuing education page, or register in person at any Mid-State campus.