Mid-State’s annual Farm Tour returns to in-person format
Mid-State Technical College will host its annual Farm Tour with a return to the event’s traditional in-person format. The public is invited to explore the latest technology and agricultural practices designed to enhance farming operations. The event takes place on Wednesday, March 16, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

This year the Farm Tour includes a showcase of the entire cheesemaking operation at Nasonville Dairy, in Marshfield, with a focus on the new building addition completed in early 2020. Participants will also tour Stueber Farms in Stratford, with emphasis on the free-stall barn, feeding and manure systems, robotic milking units and computer systems.
As always, the day will include plenty of opportunities for networking, discussion and sharing of ideas between current agriculture students, agribusinesses and those interested in agriculture.
“The Farm Tour is always an exciting exchange of ideas and emerging practices in agriculture for all involved,” said Mid-State Marshfield Campus Dean Dr. Alex Lendved. “We’re looking forward to spending a great day exploring innovative farming practices and connecting with our ag producers in the original face-to-face format the Farm Tour is known for.”
Registration is required, and the cost is $30 per person. Thanks to the Mid-State Technical College Foundation scholarship program, tuition is $10 each for the first 100 people to sign up. Those who need extra support can be considered for a full-tuition scholarship through the Foundation by applying at continuinged@mstc.edu. Find full details and register at mstc.edu/farmtour.