Mid-State and ODC bring back inclusive career awareness series
Mid-State Technical College will partner with the Opportunity Development Center (ODC) for a second round of career exploration sessions for adults of all abilities this spring. First offered in fall 2022, the inclusive career awareness series allows participants to experience technical college activities and learn about Mid-State's academic programs adapted for adults of all ages and abilities.
The spring series begins in early March, and students who complete at least four of the six sessions will receive a Mid-State Foundation scholarship to the Cookie Decorating Basics continuing education course.
The inclusive career awareness series stemmed from conversations with the ODC aiming to meet the needs of adults with disabilities across Mid-State’s district. Opportunities this spring include program exploration through a variety of hands-on activities highlighting the IT Software Developer and Health & Wellness Promotion programs as well as general education, Global Education and student life opportunities.
“Our goal is to create authentically inclusive experiences for everyone in our community,” said Mid-State’s Stevens Point Campus Dean Ben Nusz. “As with our fall career awareness series, these sessions were designed specifically to meet the adaptive needs of this group.”
“This offering from Mid-State has positively changed the way many of the participating adults with disabilities view school and learning,” said Samantha Szynskie, community life developer at the ODC. “Our clients looked forward to every session in the fall series, and the variety and flexibility created fun and unique learning opportunities, where each adult student felt welcome and accepted just as they are—free to learn, ask questions and engage authentically in their own ways.”
According to Nusz, the College aims to continue the Career Awareness series again in the future if interest remains high, in addition to exploring other ways it can meet its communities’ needs for inclusive programming and career exploration opportunities.
Learn more and register for the Career Awareness Series at mstc.edu/CA-series.