Expanded Services Now Available at Mid-State’s Adams County Center
To better serve the community, Mid-State Technical College has extended the mission of its Adams County Center, including the addition of a full-time manager and expanded hours and services. The Center’s new hours of operation are 8a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on Fridays (excluding Fridays in June and July for summer hours). The location also now remains open over the lunch period.
Laurie Inda, former new student specialist at Mid-State’s Wisconsin Rapids campus, transitioned to manager of the Adams County Center at the end of January. Since starting her new position, she has been proactive in meeting with community members, economic development leaders, businesses, high school staff, chamber members and other constituents within the area to raise awareness of Mid-State’s offerings.
“Since starting in Adams, I’ve introduced myself to currently running classes as well as community members and partners to let them know I’m here, that we have great vision for the Center, and to feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions they may have,” said Inda.
Other changes at the Center include a new college experience specialist to provide service during the evening, and an additional specialist to be hired for support during the day. Summer hours are also now in place for the LiNK, which provides adult basic education services, tutoring and a relaxed setting for students to study and connect. More continuing education courses are also being offered at the Center.
According to Inda, growing its services at the Adams Center supports the College’s goals to increase awareness of its offerings and expand partnerships within the community. The College’s recent creation of an Adams regional advisory committee, additional staffing and the development of a full-year calendar of offerings are other tangible examples of progress.
“As a parent of five graduates from Adams-Friendship High School and a long-time resident, I look forward to working in my new role to provide continued opportunities for the community and expand awareness of what Mid-State has to offer,” said Inda.
Community members are encouraged to stop in and say hello. Contact Laurie Inda (608.339.5130).