Borrowing Guidelines
Mid-State's libraries own over 11,000 unique print and non-print titles. These reflect the programs offered at Mid-State campuses. Over 50 periodicals along with a variety of online databases, provide students, staff, and library users with the most current information available.
It is the libraries' intent to protect the privacy of each individual's intellectual investigations. User transactions with the libraries (information about use of library resources) is confidential. This information will not be released except upon receipt of a lawfully issued subpoena, search warrant or other judicial order.
Borrowing Privileges
Mid-State Technical College library patrons include students, faculty, staff, and adult residents in the Mid-State District. Residents, individuals, and organizations need to present two valid and current identification items to apply for a library card.
Borrower Responsibilities
- Bring your library card with you when you come to the library.
- You are responsible for what you check out. Pay attention to loan periods, due dates, and return policies. You are responsible for keeping track of when your checked out items are due. You are responsible for prompt return of all borrowed materials.
- Keep your email and correspondence addresses up-to-date with the College and library.
Loan Periods
Regular Loans
- General collection books, paperbacks, and magazines: 21 days
- Non-print materials for students, faculty, staff, residents, and general public: 7 days
Reserve Loans
There are several loan periods for reserve items - overnight, 2-day, 3-day, one week and semester checkout. Some items may be restricted to in-library use only.
ILL Loans
The lending library determines the loan period, which may vary from two to four weeks. Due dates will be located on the item. If a longer loan period is desired, renewals must be requested prior to the due date and are at the discretion of the lending library. Limitations such as "No Renewal" and "In Library Use Only" must be honored.
Note: Reference collections are to support the campus programs' curriculum. Reference items are for in-library use only.
Library Fees
Overdue Fines
- Mid-State Libraries do not charge overdue fines for items checked out for 21 days.
- The overdue charge for reserve items is $1.00 per day. There is no grace period.
- The status of long overdue item will be changed to "lost." Lost items are subject to a $10.00 processing fee along with appropriate replacement cost of the items. The fee will be mandatory and not forgiven if the items are returned to the library in useable condition.
Other Library Fees
- Lost items: $10.00 processing fee + replacement cost
- Damaged items: $10.00 processing fee + replacement cost
- Library replacement card: $5.00
An overdue notice is sent after an item is seven days overdue (unless a reserve item). Further overdue notices will be sent at weekly intervals until the item is determined to be lost. At that time the patron will be charged replacement costs and processing fees as stated above.
Failure to receive a notice does not remove the borrower's obligation to return materials on time or to pay charges incurred. Please note that students who have outstanding charges and have been placed on academic hold will be unable to register for classes, receive transcripts, or graduate until these obligations are met.
For faculty and staff who have outstanding charges, a copy of the Fine/Fee Notice will be sent to the department Supervisor or Academic Dean.
Renewing Library Materials
General collection, back issues of magazines, and non-print items may be renewed, provided the following:
- The items have not been requested by another patron -and-
- The borrower is in good standing -and-
- The items are not overdue
Library patrons may renew an item up to two times. After the maximum number of renewals the item must be returned to the library for a period of at least 24 hours before the item may be checked out again by the patron.
In Person
Materials can be renewed in person by bringing your library card to your campus library desk.
By Phone
Materials can be renewed by phone during the library business hours by providing your library card number to library staff.
- Go to the Mid-State Library catalog.
- Click on Login.
- Enter your first or last name or your student or employee ID number and click Submit. Community users should use their patron barcode number.
- Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner to access your account.
- On the left-hand side of the main page, click on Checkouts.
- Review list of items checked out and due dates.
- Click the box in front of each item to be renewed and click on Renew Marked, or click Renew All to renew all items.
- The message ”The following item(s) will be renewed, would you like to proceed?” will appear. Click on Yes to renew. In the event there is a hold on the item, the message “Not all renewals were successful. See details below.” will appear.
- Be certain to review the list again to see the new due dates. Items not renewed do not provide new due dates.
- Click Logout to exit your library record
- Online renewals must be done at least one day prior to the due date.
In order to renew any overdue item, all overdue items checked out to the patron must be brought to the library in person.