Alcohol & Other Drugs
Policies & Procedures
Mid-State is committed to maintaining a drug-free learning environment. The Mid-State Board, administration, and staff recognize that the abuse of alcohol and other drugs interferes with a person's ability to learn and retain new information and increases the risk of accidents and serious health problems. All drugs chemically influence a person's motor skills, body functions and brain processes, interfering with judgment, perception, reaction time and other skills necessary to produce a safe and effective learning climate.
Intoxicants: Any use of intoxicants or other substances which might impair a student's performance or safety, or which might interfere with the student's proper functioning or behavior on campus or in class, is prohibited and may lead to immediate dismissal.
The unauthorized use, possession, manufacture, sale, or delivery of illegal drugs and alcohol on district property or at any gathering of students or employees that is sponsored by the district is prohibited. Anyone participating in these activities will be reported to local law enforcement officials and to any federal granting or contracting agency as required by law. For additional information, please refer to the publication, Students' & Employees' Right to Know. Additional copies are available at the Student Services & Information Center (SSIC).