Additional Information
Student Code of Conduct
Mid-State believes that all members of the college community have the responsibility to contribute to a positive learning environment. Every student has the right to be educated under the conditions of respect, dignity, and safety. The Student Code of Conduct is found in the College Catalog & Student Handbook.
Incident Report Procedure for Students
Mid-State is committed to providing a positive environment and educational experience for students. Should you have a concern or problem, please discuss it with your instructor, counselor, or campus dean to attempt to resolve the matter. If this action does not resolve the problem, an incident report can be presented. Typically, an incident report is a written allegation of an inequity. An inequity may involve either the academic or the non-academic function of Mid-State. Students who believe that they have cause to make a complaint should complete an incident report and send it to the dean of student success. The office of the dean of student success is located at Mid-State Technical College, 500 32nd Street North, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494.
Questions about the Student Code of Conduct Policy may also be directed to the dean of student success 715.422.5628.
Information Regarding Credit for Prior Learning (Transfer Credit)
Students may be eligible to complete their degree using college credit from a variety of sources. Please see this website for an explanation regarding the College’s policies regarding credit for prior learning (transfer credit).
Policies and Sanctions Relating to Copyright Infringement and Illegal File Sharing Activities
The Mid-State Network Users Policy outlines the appropriate and inappropriate uses of the College’s network and the potential sanctions that can result. The policy applies to all college employees and students. Individuals who violate copyright sanctions through illegal file sharing may also be subject to private lawsuits and substantial legal and financial penalties by the property owner.
College Policy Relating to Vaccinations
Vaccinations or documentation of immunity may be required by sites in which students are placed for clinical or practicum experiences.