Traffic Safety
Traffic Safety classes are for those who have recently been charged with or convicted of an OWI/DUI or are looking to reduce their demerit point total on their driving record. Classes are held in-person on all four Mid-State campuses.
How to Get Started
Step 1: Complete the Mandatory 72-Hour Traffic Safety Check-In Form
This form satisfies your 72-hour check-in must be completed within 72 hours of the assessment. Traffic Safety/Point Reduction courses do not require this step.
Step 2: Register for a Traffic Safety Class
Group Dynamics (OWI)
The Group Dynamics program focuses on first time OWI offenders. The emphasis is on education and changing their behavior. Each student develops Personal Change Plans to avoid problems with on-going impaired driving. There is a minimum of 24 classroom hours contained in this alcohol/other drug educational program. This is a state mandated class and is not available to the general public.
Register for Group Dynamics.
Multiple Offender Program (MOP)
The Multiple Offender Program is a specialized education course for individuals who have received two or more Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) charges. In addition to providing alcohol education, the course will focus on modifying the unhealthy attitudes and behaviors that foster repeat irresponsible impaired driving. The course emphasizes strategies and techniques that assist you in changing high-risk attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol and other drugs and driving. Small group sessions and required participation of a concerned other, at a minimum of two sessions, along with self-evaluation techniques will be utilized. The course is conducted over 30 classroom hours and a follow up evaluation three months after the last classroom session, for a total of 33 hours. This is a state mandated class and is not available to the general public.
Register for the Multiple Offender Program.
Traffic Safety/Point Reduction
The Traffic Safety/Point Reduction program focuses on reducing traffic violations and accidents in Wisconsin. Students receive information about defensive driving, risks and consequences of aggressive driving, safety belts and airbags, Wisconsin traffic law and penalties, crash risk, and impaired driving. To modify high risk driving a Personal Change Plan is developed by the student. This course can only be taken once every three years to reduce up to three points. It may also be taken to satisfy the requirements of Failure to Yield the Right of Way violations. Point Reduction courses are voluntary and do not require the mandatory 72-hour check-in or a driver safety plan.
Register for Traffic Safety/Point Reduction.